When you scoot around the web, leaving comments, writing blog posts, contributing the forums and so on, it's nice to be able to leave a mark with an avatar and image that represents you as it sits alongside your content.
The thing is, often you need to upload this avatar for every blog, service or network you belong to, which is kind of dull and a bit of waste of time.
Gravatar is a free service that gives you a globally recognized avatar.
Upload the picture once, connect it to whichever email address or email address you use, and SHAZAM!
Wherever you go, when you write a post or leave a comment, your avatar comes along for the ride.
只须上传一次你的头像,并与你的邮箱地址绑定,无论你到哪里,当你留下观点或评论时,你的头像就会跟在旁边~ |